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Make your travel safe, free of cyber attacks
by S. S. Iyengar and Jerry Miller, Deccan Herald, June 7, 2016

Travel is among life’s greatest pleasures, but it can also become a horror story if the traveller is unprepared. A few simple, preparatory steps before your journey combined with knowledge and vigilance during your trip can make the difference between a pleasant experience and a personal or professional cyber disaster.

Preparation is the key. While the cyber security basics practiced at home will be the same during your journey, travelling does open up new opportunities for cyber-attacks, cyber theft and loss, or compromise of personal devices. Make a quick reviewing of your cyber security procedures, then expand on them by conducting a quick risk assessment using these questions. . .

Jerry Miller, Inquesta's COO, travels frequently and regularly contributes cyber security articles to the Deccan Herald in India.

Cover of CRISP Report on Sports Team Travel Security

Inquesta's president and Dr. Peter Tarlow, complete ASIS grant project
May 2016

The ASIS Foundation (, of ASIS International, a prestigious organization for security professionals, in late 2015 awarded a grant to Inquesta's president and our associate, Dr. Peter Tarlow of Tourism & More (T&M), a company dedicated to consulting on tourism security, to conduct research about sports team travel security (STTS). ASIS requested that the Inquesta-T&M team produce a CRISP (Connecting Research in Security to Practice) report that reviews the existing literature regarding STTS, synthesize the existing information, and provide an STTS working model, tools and templates for the use of security professionals who are charged with the well-being of athletes and the safety of sporting events and athletic programs. Research found that the existing body of knowledge on this topic was both very dispersed and mostly lacking but the team was able to gather enough data to produce the Sports Team Travel Security CRISP report for security professionals providing services to traveling athletes and sports teams.

Cover for THE SUIT magazine featuring Inquesta's identity theft prevention services

Inquesta's identity theft prevention services featured in "The Suit" magazine
by Judy Magness, The Suit, Issue 57, November 2013

One particular area of specialization [Inquesta's Jacques Island] is proud of, is identity theft prevention. Inquesta helps organizations handling sensitive consumer information to comply with federal and state laws mandating implementation of identity theft prevention programs. “Hackers and impostors who break into a company’s consumer database can steal thousands or even millions of identities in one swoop,” said Island. The greatest risks lie with banks, brokerages, telecommunication companies, health care facilities, auto dealerships, municipalities and other entities requiring consumer information to conduct business . . .

Homeland Security tabletop exercise in Florida
Inquesta completes energy assurance contract for State of Florida
June, 2012

In mid-2011 the Inquesta Corporation teamed with a partner company to bid on and win a contract with the State of Florida's Division of Emergency Management (FDEM) to develop and produce the "Florida Energy Assurance Planning Training and Exercises" project. The project was probably the first emergency management exercise that used a geomagnetic storm as the trigger for a catastrophic event.

Inquesta also produced a white paper with emergency managers and executives in mind that discusses our state of readiness for a prolonged energy outage throughout a region or a large part of the country.
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