Risk Intelligence & Solutions
admin@inquesta.com - 305.779.3069
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Online Meeting Portal
Inquesta uses Zoho Meeting to communicate with clients, partners, associates and employees. This is a convenient and effective way to make presentations, troubleshoot issues and collaborate among our project team members.
We're glad to see you here. If you've been invited to a meeting and were asked to navigate to this page...please click on the button to the right to join the meeting. If the session has not started just wait for the presenter. Once the presenter has started a meeting you will be prompted to "knock" to get in.
The world times below are to help teleconference participants coordinate meetings in different time zones and know others' times during meetings.
New York: same
Montreal: same
Chicago: EST-1
San Franciso: EST-3
Mexico City: EST-1
Bogota: same
Caracas: EST+0:30
Santiago: EST+2
Sao Paolo: EST+3
Amsterdam: GMT+1
Copenhagen: GMT+1
Tallinn: GMT+2
Casablanca: same
Lisbon: same
Madrid: GMT+1
Rome: GMT+1
Paris: GMT+1
Cape Town: GMT+2
St. Petersburg: same
Bratislava: MSK-3
Buchrest: MSK-2
Athens: MSK-2
Istanbul: MSK-2
Jerusalem: MSK-2
Cairo: MSK-2
Dubai: same
Riyadh: MSK-1
Yekaterinburg: IST+0:30
Omsk: IST+1:30
Tashkent: IST-0:30
Kabul: IST-1
Karachi: IST-0:30
Mumbai: same
Irkutsk: CST+1
Shanghai: same
Taipei: same
Hong Kong: same
Hanoi: CST-1
Bangkok: CST-1
Manila: same
Singapore: same
Bali: same
Seoul: same
Taipei: same
Sidney: same
Canberra: JST+2
Darwin: JST+0:30
Perth: JST-1
Auckland: JST+4
Christchurch: JST+4
Juneau: AKST+1
Honolulu: AKST-1